Author: MindKube

Oxymoron du Jour: Productive Procrastination

So, you've been flipping through some self-help books lately. Maybe to avoid some unappealing items on your to-do list. You've been beaten over the head with a bunch of motivational maxims and mantras. And you've had it drilled into you that you must perpetually stifle...

Picking a Domain Name: 7 Tips to Choose Wisely

Sure, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. But and definitely aren't created equal. Neither are and If you're launching a startup or new web venture, don't underestimate the importance of your domain name. A smart choice or a...

Take the Leap into Real-Time Marketing

Let's talk about urges. Urges to buy stuff, of course. Minds out of the gutter, folks. We run a wholesome, respectable blog here. Impulse purchasing is a compelling urge extensively studied by marketers, retailers, and psychologists. A key reason people readily succumb is because they don't like...

Intuitive Navigation in Website Design and Development

You stride unthinkingly up to a door and push on it, only to get jarringly stopped in your tracks. It really looked like a pusher, but no, it's a puller. Quick, joke about still needing your coffee to the people behind you. This is merely a...

On Blogging and Branding—and Not Advertising

Hey, yo! I'm awesome. You should totally give me some money because I'm so awesome. Convinced? It must be a compelling sales pitch, since that's essentially what 81 percent of small and medium-sized businesses use their blogs to say over and over again, according to Blogs Aren't...